Pastor Leanne's Message for the month of January 2025:
Every year, the same images are employed to describe the passing of time from one year to the next. Father time, old and decrepit, welcomes his replacement, a small innocent baby, and the world, welcoming a clean slate and a new chance, recognizes that the potential of the preceding year is spent, and allows the past to go peacefully to sleep. Welcome, infant year! Welcome, new beginnings! We are ready for a new start.
But the image of Father Time and Baby New Year has its limitations. While it is true that the preceding year has now spent all potential for change, that consequences of that year do not simply pass away and leave us alone. We carry with us, for good and for ill, the baggage of all that has been – the accumulated consequences of good and bad choices, events beyond our control, votes of ourselves and our neighbors, changes in the economy, shifts in our health, glitches in our relationships. You know this – I’m sure I didn’t have to remind you (but I did, didn’t I?) – I am just trying to be realistic.
Still, it is true that the new year is not written and it is bursting with potential for new things and change the we have yet to perceive. I cannot change the circumstances of my entry in this year, but I can re-think my expectations and adapt my behaviors and attitudes in hopes of a better outcome and a happier future for myself and my family. So, it is – the slate is not clean – and yet, still, we are not powerless in the hope of charting our path in a new direction.
In Isaiah 43, the Prophet speaks the word of God, saying, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” I am always stuck on that final question: “do you not perceive it?” because that is where I think the problem lies. Presbyterians have longed declared that it is our job to perceive what God is already doing in the world and get on board with that! The witness of scripture is that God is always at work, doing new things, and asking us to perceive the divine will at work. I called it a problem, and it is, if we do not seek God and remain open to new and challenging next steps. But… if we are attentive, if we pray, if we discern scripture and see the world through God’s lens of grace and justice – we cannot miss the new thing God is doing, nor can we miss the part we are meant to play in God’s plans.
As we go into the new year, I leave you with these words of Jesus, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) God is at work and will not be thwarted. Open your heart to God’s new possibilities, and rejoice!
The Scholarship Committee of First Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of scholarships for our church community. To be eligible for consideration to receive a scholarship, a student must be an active member of First Presbyterian Church of Bismarck or must have been an active participant in the life of First Presbyterian Church of Bismarck for at least three years. The awards are given for students at any level of study beyond high school. Four years is the maximum for receiving scholarships: these need not be consecutive years. Graduate students may apply for scholarships, providing they are within the four year maximum.
The deadline to apply is May 17, 2024
We encourage you to continue to love your neighbor well at this time. Hebrews 13:16 challenges us to“dowhat is good and to share, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”Thank you for being the Church.
Are you in need of assistance that you can not get help? Email firstpresbyterian@fpcbismarck or call 701-223-6091 and let us know how we can help.
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1. Online bill pay with your banking institution.
2. Click on the "Give Now" button above to donate today.
3. Mail checks to First Presbyterian Church, 214 E Thayer Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501.
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is a Community called to love God through Worship and Prayer, receiving and serving our neighbors with the compassion of Christ, open to new beginnings and the spiritual growth of children, youth and adults.
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